Biznes Gospodarka

German sun protection manufacturer invests in new warehouse in Świecko

German sun protection manufacturer invests in new warehouse in Świecko
Over 16,000 sq m of modern warehouse and office space will be built as part of the Hillwood Świecko park for Schoenberger. The tenant was advised in the negotiation of contract terms and technical issues by BTS AXI

Data publikacji: 2018-03-01
Oryginalny tytuł wiadomości prasowej: German sun protection manufacturer invests in new warehouse in Świecko
Kategoria: BIZNES Gospodarka

Over 16,000 sq m of modern warehouse and office space will be built as part of the Hillwood Świecko park for Schoenberger. The tenant was advised in the negotiation of contract terms and technical issues by BTS AXI IMMO.

Over 16,000 sq m of modern warehouse and office space will be built as part of the Hillwood Świecko park for Schoenberger. The German producer and distributor of roller blinds and various types of sun shades will move into the new facility in Q4 2018. The tenant was advised in the negotiation of contract terms and technical issues by BTS AXI IMMO.

Schoenberger has its headquarters in Hohenschäftlarn near Munich and has been operating in European for 30 years supplying sun protection products, including blinds, awnings, pleated blinds, mosquito nets and all necessary accessories, as well as motors for garage doors. In 2014, it opened a factory in Poland that produces all coverings to order.

The company has leased 16,450 sq m of warehouse, office and social space within the Hillwood Świecko park. The new facility will be the company’s central warehouse for servicing the European market. The company will move into the facility in Q4 2018.

“Due to the increase in orders and expansion into other European markets, we were looking for an optimal location for its central distribution warehouse, which will allow the effective organisation of the supply chain between our factory in Toruń, seaports and customers in Germany and Western European countries. The location of the Hillwood investment best met our expectations”, comments Jarosław Markowski – Vice President of Schoenberger Polska Enterprises Spółka z o.o.

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“An in-depth analysis of available market proposals combined with client’s time and technical requirements has shown that the choice of Hillwood's offer will be the most advantageous solution for the tenant. We are glad that we could advise Schonenberger on such a strategic choice of their central warehouse. The location just by the German border and only 1.5 hours from Berlin is a convenient place to conduct logistics operations on an international scale”, adds Marek Kosielski, Director of the BTS Department at AXI IMMO.

Hillwood Świecko is a warehouse park made up of two buildings with a total area of approximately 71,000 sq m for logistics and storage. The park is located in the Słubice district in the town of Świecko. Hillwood Świecko is located 1.5 km from the A2 motorway, on national road DK 29 connecting Słubice with Zielona Góra and 100 km from Berlin.

źródło: Biuro Prasowe
German sun protection manufacturer invests in new warehouse in Świecko BIZNES, Gospodarka - Over 16,000 sq m of modern warehouse and office space will be built as part of the Hillwood Świecko park for Schoenberger. The tenant was advised in the negotiation of contract terms and technical issues by BTS AXI IMMO.

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